Located on the sunny Gold Coast. Appointments available in person when you take a walk with Dee on the sunny GC.
Or via phone or zoom from anywhere in Australia.
Gold Coast, Australia
Available by appointment only
Qualified nutritional therapy for mood care, gut health, chronic pain management, migraines & for general well-being. Mind, body, spirit mentorship & personal Tarot readings for physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.
Feelings of depression & anxiety are common in LITERALLY EVERYBODY, I don’t care who you are or whether you insist that you’ve NEVER felt down or anxious, you’re lying or in denial (probably because your ego won’t allow you to admit that sometimes you feel sh*t, sorry, not sorry).
The fact of the matter is that we all feel like Sh*t & we ALL OVER-think & we ALL feel down or depressed at different times throughout life. While we are having the human experience, we have to come to terms with the fact that yes, this human body of ours comes with uncomfortable emotions & needs proper maintenance in order for it to work in tip-top condition. We also accept that yes, sometimes we fail miserably at caring for this temperamental body of ours & what tends to happen when we do that is that we experience an increase of those uncomfortable emotions such as depression & anxiety. True story.
Most people like to think that anxiety & depression just HAPPEN to us as some glitch in our biochemical matrix, but the reality is that you’re creating within your body the perfect environment to welcome anxiety & depression, one mouthful at a time.
Anxiety & depression can come from situational factors such as toxic relationships with family or toxic partnerships, feeling trapped in a job that you hate or whatever toxic situation you find yourself in, HOWEVER… (this is where things get interesting)… how you respond to those outer situational circumstances can vary greatly depending upon how well you look after your body & the substances you choose to consume on a daily basis.
How so, Dee?
WELL firstly… if we are to consider these situational circumstances as forming your immediate environment & if we can accept that your immediate environment plays a big role in how you feel day to day (your emotions, reactions etc), then I want you to go a step further & consider that your human body is a microcosm of your greater (situational) environment. It’s your even more ‘immediate’ environment & THIS immediate environment of yours you are solely responsible for creating & maintaining.
How you choose to maintain this ‘environment’ of yours can greatly impact your emotions, your reactions & whether you’re able to project into this world as a physically & emotionally healthy AND successful person. You are literally creating yourself & your world, one choice at a time.
How so, Dee?
WELL… think about it this way.
These are more obvious examples to help you get your head around the idea.
How about a more subtle example that you are likely unaware of…
What about if you didn’t like the taste of water so you chose not to consume it all. Instead, you might have a glass of Coke, 3 coffees, cordial, or any other sugary drink available?
Do you have any idea how this affects your immediate environment (your body) & what affect this might have on your greater environment in terms of your emotions & reactions?
What will happen is that you will create a depressed & anxious environment for yourself. You will deplete your environment (your body) of the ability to create or maintain serotonin levels & before you even know how or why, you are projecting into the world a human with unstable emotions, a human whose reactions are reactive & volatile whose life choices are made from an impulsive & volatile standpoint. You are projecting into the world as a human who is depressed, anxious, volatile, unstable, reactive, unreliable which only can bring about unsuccessful transactions & interactions with others to your greater environment.
That’s a bit extreme, Dee.
It’s not actually when you consider that there is a direct relationship between depression and dehydration.
In fact, depression is one of the symptoms of dehydration.
85% of your brain tissues are made up of water. If you don’t drink enough pure water you will feel it in your mood first, as even as little 2% dehydration leads to degraded mood, poor concentration & headache.
Proper hydration is essential to serotonin production, low or reduced serotonin levels is one of the main reasons for depression & anxiety to exist in the first place. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter which plays an important role in determining your mood & your mood plays the main role in determining your actions, reactions & choices in life. Tryptophan is an amino acid converted to serotonin. Your body needs to have sufficient water to transmit tryptophan across your brain. When you are dehydrated, the amount of tryptophan in your brain is limited, which in turn affects the serotonin level. Along with affecting tryptophan levels, dehydration also has a negative impact on the level of amino acids in your body. Depletion of essential amino acid levels will make you feel dejected, anxious, irritable, and inadequate.
If you are of the assumption that drinking coffee, alcohol or any sugar drink counts as fluid intake & therefore will prevent dehydration occurring, you are unfortunately dead wrong. Alcohol, coffee & sugary drinks increase the amount of fluid that is removed from the body (via urine, as they are diuretics meaning they make you pee more). And there you are peeing like horse, topping up your fluids with Coke & 7Up & wondering why you’re in a sh*t mood all the time & your life is one big mess all the time.
Boom, it’s because you’re chronically dehydrated & depressed, my friend. All because you don’t like the flavour of water (like an 8year old).
It’s time to man-up & have your 2-2.5 litres of water a day. You’ll feel amazing & you can thank me for it later.
It literally is the elixir of life.
Chronic inflammation plays a role in common disorders such as anxiety & depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, asthma, diabetes, some forms of cancer, migraine, myopathy, gastrointestinal disorders such as IBD & IBS, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, coeliac disease, cardiovascular disease, disease of the joints, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, to name but a few.
Common to these types of pro-inflammatory disorders is that they appear amongst the top 5 causes of death amongst men & women in Australia as well as plaguing society as a whole, leading to disability of young & old alike.
What exactly is inflammation & does it serve a purpose?
Inflammation forms a natural part of the body's defense mechanism. It is the process in which the immune system recognizes & removes harmful substances or stimuli from the body in order for the healing process to begin.
Inflammation is basically your body trying to remove the harmful substance & begin the process of healing itself. The problem is that if we continue to ingest or expose ourselves to environmental toxins & pro-inflammatory substances, our bodies cannot keep up & this is where disease manifests.
Unfortunately, the modern diet of processed food is flooded with chemicals, additives, preservatives & toxins that most of us have no idea what we are eating. And if you combine that with low levels of physical activity which slows down the body's natural detoxification processes, you are creating the perfect storm for chronic disease to manifest.
You literally are a result of what you eat, drink, do or don’t do & you manifest this into your reality one bite at a time.
Eating a healthy diet can often be seen as a sacrifice people are unwilling to make because they don’t want to give up their favourite meals of convenience. But the reality is that the more healthful foods you include in your diet, the better you’ll feel. And the better you feel, the less you’ll want to reach out for those meals of convenience because feeling healthy & well is sure damn addictive.
I tend to view it from a different perspective in that I am no longer willing to sacrifice my health & well-being for the sake of the modern diet.
The food you eat can either be the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.
Dee Flora
Nutritionist, Writer.
Dee, is a qualified Nutritional Therapist with an interest in reducing systemic inflammation to support physical & emotional health & wellbeing.
Dee has overcome many personal obstacles & set-backs to achieve qualifications & success in the fields of nutritional therapy, business, counselling, training & mentoring. She bases her philosophy on bringing life back to basics, regularly connecting with nature, purposely uplifting the lives of others & believes in effective leadership by positive example.
With personal strengths in critical thinking & problem solving strategies, Dee is also a tarot reader, bringing balance & duality to the physical world.
With the belief that each person has the ability to make positive changes, large or small, each little change in effect is the basis by which we reach our ultimate goal.
Dee is an animal lover, an adventurer & is happiest when helping others.
Located on the sunny Gold Coast. Appointments available in person when you take a walk with Dee on the sunny GC.
Or via phone or zoom from anywhere in Australia.
Available by appointment only