Located on the sunny Gold Coast. Appointments available in person when you take a walk with Dee on the sunny GC.
Or via phone or zoom from anywhere in Australia.
Gold Coast, Australia
Available by appointment only
Qualified nutritional therapy for mood care, gut health, chronic pain management, migraines & for general well-being. Mind, body, spirit mentorship & personal Tarot readings for physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.
I think everyone has posed the question at one point or another, exactly how do you tell the difference between your intuition or ‘gut feeling’, versus your anxiety.
At times it can feel as if the two are interchangeable, as feelings of anxiety can be powerful motivators for action, as can following your gut or intuition. But whether they both lead to the same outcome is really the more important factor in determining which itch is the itch you should scratch.
It’s safe to compare both intuition & anxiety to an itch because much like an itch you’re compelled to scratch, your intuition & your anxiety are both outside of your immediate control. They are present to either push or pull you in the direction of a motivating factor.
Which is what, Dee?
Well, that is a fantastic question & a good starting point for how to tell which itch is which.
What is the motivator for intuition? Why does it actually exist?
Your intuition exists as a compass of the higher ‘knowing’ part of yourself which exists within yourself at all times. It isn’t implanted, developed or moulded, it is & has always existed for you to observe, to trust & to follow, with the motivation & intention of leading you to that which serves your highest good or purpose. It is intended to guide you to where you ‘intended’ to be, based on what your higher self has decided you will experience during this lifetime. It is your higher ‘you’ speaking to you, basically, tapping you on the shoulder to remind you of which turn to take next & which road leads to the next chapter of your journey.
The itch of your intuition is subtle & fleeting, yet powerful & quiet at the same time. It’s an imprint or impression, rather than a noise on repeat. It’s here one moment & gone the next, but softly imprinted on your mind like a memory. A ‘future’ memory, perhaps. It’s the itch that is barely a tickle & is gone before you get the chance to scratch. It causes you no grief nor misery & it finds you only when you are in a balanced state of being. You’re not looking for it, but it finds you.
It finds you in your quiet & solitude, in your peace & harmony. It finds you when you’re giggling with a close friend or walking barefoot in the sand. It finds you in the shower (a-ha moment) & when you take a long drive through the country roads. It finds you while watching the sunrise. And sun set. It finds you when you are busy being you, in joy, peace, quietness & harmony.
It's the ‘blip’ & a-ha!
Do you understand now? It finds you when you are you, busy being the best version of you.
So, what then of anxiety, Dee?
Well, that is an itch I’d advise you don’t scratch. It’s the itch that just grows with each time that you scratch. And you’ll scratch & you’ll scratch, until your skin starts to crack. It’ll weep, it’ll bleed & it’ll have you up half the night. It is loud & abrupt & you’ll hear nothing & no more than that noise in your head telling you to scratch that itch a little more!
Your breath it will quicken & start to catch as you speak. The itch on repeat has you starting to crack.
You’re ready to run like you’ve never run before from this devil of an itch that just seems to itch more & more.
You can’t sleep, you can’t breathe. You can’t eat, you can’t think. You just itch & you scratch & you scratch & you itch. You toss & you turn & you twitch & you jerk.
Again & again & again & again. You itch as you scratch & you scratch as you itch.
Again & again & again & again. Again & again is the itch on repeat.
In case you’re not anxious enough after reading through my depiction of rumination that comes with anxiety, please read it again. And again & again.
I want you to read it & hold the feeling so you can actually understand that your anxiety is not within you but has come from a place outside of you. This particular anxious feeling has come from me, creating this anxious feeling to sit within you.
You see anxiety isn’t naturally ‘within’ the way your intuition is within, but we have been moulded by experiences which have led us to develop patterns of rumination & anxiety as a reactionary response to past trauma. Therefore, anxiety is moulded to be ‘in’ us, but is not actually a part of who we are within.
The motivating factor of anxiety is to keep you stuck or to have you run from the pain of the past but in doing so, you are also running from the joy of experience in your present & future. Stuck-ness & running are actually the same thing, from neither will you experience enrichment nor fulfillment. You’ll just be stuck running, my friend, like a rat in a wheel. Again & again & again & again.
Do you see the connection?
Stop. Slow down. Relax. Unplug. Find the quiet. Find the peaceful moments. Find the stillness awhile.
Only then will you find your ‘blip’ & a-ha moments. In the stillness.
Intuition is future focussed – it is fleeting, quiet, yet powerful. It is the ‘blip’ & a-ha moments that will find you when you are in a balanced state of being.
Anxiety is past focussed – It’s the “I don’t want that to happen again like it happened before”, it will occur on repeat & it is what you will experience when you are in an imbalanced state of being.
Slow down, my friend. Slow down awhile.
Chronic inflammation plays a role in common disorders such as anxiety & depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, asthma, diabetes, some forms of cancer, migraine, myopathy, gastrointestinal disorders such as IBD & IBS, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, coeliac disease, cardiovascular disease, disease of the joints, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, to name but a few.
Common to these types of pro-inflammatory disorders is that they appear amongst the top 5 causes of death amongst men & women in Australia as well as plaguing society as a whole, leading to disability of young & old alike.
What exactly is inflammation & does it serve a purpose?
Inflammation forms a natural part of the body's defense mechanism. It is the process in which the immune system recognizes & removes harmful substances or stimuli from the body in order for the healing process to begin.
Inflammation is basically your body trying to remove the harmful substance & begin the process of healing itself. The problem is that if we continue to ingest or expose ourselves to environmental toxins & pro-inflammatory substances, our bodies cannot keep up & this is where disease manifests.
Unfortunately, the modern diet of processed food is flooded with chemicals, additives, preservatives & toxins that most of us have no idea what we are eating. And if you combine that with low levels of physical activity which slows down the body's natural detoxification processes, you are creating the perfect storm for chronic disease to manifest.
You literally are a result of what you eat, drink, do or don’t do & you manifest this into your reality one bite at a time.
Eating a healthy diet can often be seen as a sacrifice people are unwilling to make because they don’t want to give up their favourite meals of convenience. But the reality is that the more healthful foods you include in your diet, the better you’ll feel. And the better you feel, the less you’ll want to reach out for those meals of convenience because feeling healthy & well is sure damn addictive.
I tend to view it from a different perspective in that I am no longer willing to sacrifice my health & well-being for the sake of the modern diet.
The food you eat can either be the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.
Dee Flora
Nutritionist, Writer.
Dee, is a qualified Nutritional Therapist with an interest in reducing systemic inflammation to support physical & emotional health & wellbeing.
Dee has overcome many personal obstacles & set-backs to achieve qualifications & success in the fields of nutritional therapy, business, counselling, training & mentoring. She bases her philosophy on bringing life back to basics, regularly connecting with nature, purposely uplifting the lives of others & believes in effective leadership by positive example.
With personal strengths in critical thinking & problem solving strategies, Dee is also a tarot reader, bringing balance & duality to the physical world.
With the belief that each person has the ability to make positive changes, large or small, each little change in effect is the basis by which we reach our ultimate goal.
Dee is an animal lover, an adventurer & is happiest when helping others.
Located on the sunny Gold Coast. Appointments available in person when you take a walk with Dee on the sunny GC.
Or via phone or zoom from anywhere in Australia.
Available by appointment only